Everything we have belongs to Jesus. As a reminder of that truth and as an act of worship we encourage one another to prayerfully look for ways to give some of those financial resources back to God.

You no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes for cash. And when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, online giving allows your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis. Your contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. Our online giving program offers convenience for you and provides a much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.

Some have asked about what it costs the church when you give online. Here are the costs:

  • ACH/Echeck (debit from your checking or savings acct): $0.45 per transaction
  • Credit/Debit Card: 1.5% + $0.35 per transaction (i.e. $1.85 for a $100 donation)

You can choose to add the above costs to your donation, but please do not feel obligated to do so.

Besides the General Fund, there are other options to contribute:

  • Facility Expansion Fund – To pay off the current mortgage and future building/grounds capital projects
  • Benevolence – Support people during times of crisis and need
  • Women’s Ministry – Connecting women through worship, relationships, and outreach
  • CHIC – Support students attending the triennial CHIC conference
  • Missions – Support missions such as the annual mission trips to Ecuador